

Hola my friend! Where world fails, words speak!  Seated in the corner, Head filled with wonder- Where did it all go wrong? Where has my peace gone? Was it wrong to be strong, And hold on at times  When I meant no harm  Nor leave a single one behind.  Oh! How ruthless the world can be, Shattering one's needs, Burning long held dreams And carving the soul,  The way it never meant to be! Hope you enjoyed reading! Adios:)


Hola my friend! "Protect nature and it'll protect you in return". We all know this, but none follow it! As a result, everyone are made to study about environment.  My college too teaches about environment. The subject is calming and interesting but when it comes to assignment it's not the same! I've spent the whole day working on my EVS assignment about butterfly garden. It was a really tiring process, but taught me more about the nature's pollinators. My mind is overflowing with butterflies, so here's a poem to protect them. Red, purple, yellow and blue Fluttering in the flowery lawn Has turned to a divine memory That ought to be forgot. The vivid insects have no clue About fellow buddies gone. Is it a sin to be a remedy  And love nature a lot? I watch this in distress As the innocuous grow less Isn't it time to lend a hand? And save them from the dying land. Remember to protect nature my friend! It has gone from being your responsibility

Discord Mind

Hola my friend! There are times when you blank out for no reason, right? I myself got caught up in such a trance today. It definitely took me a while to get back to my senses. Here's a poem I wrote baffled up with random thoughts.  Stranded in the deep wood With nothing in hand Desperate and alone i stood  In the silty sand. How did I end up here?  No answers can define Will I find something dear That I can make mine. Swallowed by queries, I sink No sign to lead the way Eyes shudder and blink No words to say. Bound by thoughts, I strangle How can I escape and untangle? Hope you had a good time! Adios:)


Hola my friend! Monsoon is back! The weather was perfect and serene the whole day. I felt alive and refreshing after such a long time.  MCC felt heavenly today. The scattered white flowers on the ground, the chilly gentle breeze, the slow swaying of leaves amidst the fine showers... woahh!! It was such a pleasant and sublime sight altogether. I ended up walking around the campus only to adore nature with my friends. The pleasure heightened even more with the heartfelt, internet-free chit chat we shared about cricket, film and life. Nature ensured to link our hearts and transcend us into an euphoric state. It truly heals! Flowers scattered on the ground Droplets add on sound, Pitter-patter heavy rain Splash from every lane. Wet muddy puddle Squished together rubble, Gives small boats life Resolving bitter strife. It is absolutely true when one says "A walk in the woods, walks the soul back home!". I truly hope that you revere the monsoon and stay safe, my f


Hola my friend! "Childhood" - the word itself brings immense amount of pleasure right? The phase of life that every single one of us wish to relive. Today's encounter with my Sunday class kids made me wish - to be a happy child again, care-free and safe under my parent's wings.  But, we forget to embrace the child in us as we grow in age. The heartfelt happiness, breathless laughter and ego-less attitude all fades. Adulthood doesn't mean that you have to give up these elements and act all mature, right? Your life becomes more blissful when you have the heart of a child. Be it the way you smile and encounter each problem, the way you hold no stress during baffling situations or the selfless attitude you showcase to your fellow mate to solve the life maze without harsh competition.  Smiling little face Running round the busy maze With no foe to race So, my friend, adore your inbuilt happiness and cherish your inner child! Hope you had a good time! Adios:

Inner Flames

Hola, my friend! At times we tend to question ourselves  "Am i really worth living?". It is definitely a deep question, but of no use to you my friend. Because, YOU'RE WORTH IT!  Life is indeed a race where the fittest survive. You meet people with different shades: red, blue and white, but you don't have to follow someone else to thrive right? Don't CHANGE to be someone instead EVOLVE to be someone. Open up your heart, find your true identity and be what you what to be. Keeping this in mind, let's dive into a poem to nourish your soul. "O, beautiful rose  Teach me to pose Majestic, rich and bright  To catch one's sight!" "Little one, glow your way  That's what I say. Within you is the light To ignite the night!" So, my friend, don't step back to be unique because you possess your own beauty!  Hope you had a good time! Adios:)

Seize the Light

Hola my friend! Suffering has no eyes to differentiate. Everyone has a problem to overcome right? Be it an animal, bird, insect or man. Each one has their own problem to deal with. And today I read something really interesting that i would like to share.  Can you believe that even the most beautiful, charming creatures suffer too? Of course they do, including the BUTTERFLY! I came across an article that describes how these fragile creatures are poisoned and harmed by the chemical defenses of their host plants when they try to consume nectar. But time has taught them to evolve and neutralize the defense mechanism to finally win the host plant. Inspiring, right? Nature has once again proven to be the master of life. Against my enemy I stood, Mustered courage as I could, Screaming the battle cry With no fear to die. Buckled up my suit, To set aim and shoot, And seize the stolen core With a victory roar. Fallen once, twice, thrice  Will the result now be nice? Don't you thi