Seize the Light

Hola my friend!

Suffering has no eyes to differentiate. Everyone has a problem to overcome right? Be it an animal, bird, insect or man. Each one has their own problem to deal with. And today I read something really interesting that i would like to share. 

Can you believe that even the most beautiful, charming creatures suffer too? Of course they do, including the BUTTERFLY! I came across an article that describes how these fragile creatures are poisoned and harmed by the chemical defenses of their host plants when they try to consume nectar. But time has taught them to evolve and neutralize the defense mechanism to finally win the host plant. Inspiring, right? Nature has once again proven to be the master of life.

Against my enemy I stood,
Mustered courage as I could,
Screaming the battle cry
With no fear to die.

Buckled up my suit,
To set aim and shoot,
And seize the stolen core
With a victory roar.

Fallen once, twice, thrice 
Will the result now be nice?
Don't you think I'll retreat
Nor let you eat meat!

Provoked to a great length 
To recover my old strength,
I hurried with full might
Eyes shut tight.

Safe? Did I win?
Is it time to grin?
I finally see the light
This is the end of the fight.

This beautiful reality of nature taught me not to give up. So, my friend, trust the process and upgrade yourself. Victory is yours!

Hope you had a good time! Adios:)


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